Short Bio Eric and Amy Stone...

Eric Stone is the original Founder and CEO of Speakers & Artists International, Inc.; a California Corporation delivering advanced training programs and strategic consulting in the arenas of public speaking, communication, performance and personal leadership development. A long-time professional Stage, Television and Voice-Over Actor, Mr. Stone is also the Founder of the Hollywood Actors Studio, where he has been lecturing, directing and developing actors since 1989. ...More...

Eric Stone

Eric Stone


Amy Stone is the empowering visionary behind Speakers & Artists International, Inc since 2015. Amy is a multi-facetted and insightful guide and teacher. Her colleagues and clients call her an "inspirational and mystical psychologist". Her talent lies in her ability to focus on the individual’s core identity and bring out truth and authenticity hidden behind the veil of unwanted conditioning. ...More...

Amy Stone

Amy Stone
