We transform Hearts and Minds through intuitive insights.
How does self-knowledge lead to emotional intelligence? Self-knowledge very often comes from what others see about us, that which we are not necessarily aware of ourselves. Self-knowledge is not ego knowledge nor is it connected to thinking. You know yourself from watching yourself in interactions or doing what you do, from the most mundane to the most creative tasks.
It is crucial in life to know how we operate, where we are genuinely accountable and what areas are more difficult. For instance, did you know only 30% of the world population have consistent access to will power or ego strength (another way to describe what is actually physical heart power)? It means that 70% of people on the planet make promises they cannot keep and spend a great deal of time or energy avoiding the truth about it. Think about the chaos and frustration it creates. And because will is connected to the heart, it becomes even more clear why close to 50% of the population have some form of cardiovascular disease. Think about how useful it is to know where you are on that scale.
“A great mentor will teach you about you, a bad one only about himself.”
We all know how many fake gurus roam the corridors of our existential angst, waiting to cash in. I don’t blame them because if you don’t know yourself, you will fall prey to these cunning modern psychopaths. They are a dime a dozen. For me it is simple, anyone asking you to follow him or her, with your credit card of course, is somebody who will exploit your lack or absence of self-knowledge.
Self-knowledge also comes from trial and error as we watch ourselves “be” ourselves successfully or not, so to speak, and then adjust our behavior accordingly.
All self-knowledge that does not land in a behavior, will remain intellectual knowledge not actualized self-knowledge. As an example, to find the behavior of your confidence is invaluable self-knowledge.
To know you are confident is not enough; you must actualize that behavior in public or when someone is present. What we teach: self-knowledge, emotional intelligence and intuitive awareness are all behavioral models that must come from you, the individual.
These behaviors also have a spirit and a truth or conviction. Behavior that has found its truth based on authentic self-knowledge and a true quality of spirit is unstoppable! Impactful behavior comprises body, emotions, intuition and spirit aligned and ready to express. The mind is at the service of the four principles, which represent your personal self-knowledge.